
Wax for wax-resist dyeing : Items

Japan Wax (70 g)
Japan Wax (70 g)


(approx US$6.24)

Kyoshin Elle

Great for wax-resist dyeing.
Natural wax obtained from wax tree fruit.


White Beeswax (70 g)
White Beeswax (70 g)


(approx US$6.24)

Kyoshin Elle

Great for wax-resist dyeing.
Refined white wax made from Japan wax.


Purified Japan Wax (50 g)
Purified Japan Wax (50 g)


(approx US$3.12)

Kyoshin Elle

Cohesive natural wax taken from beehives.
Mix this wax with Japan Wax to make it less likely to have crackles for wax-resist dyeing.


Pine Resin (200 g)
Pine Resin (200 g)


(approx US$3.4)

Kyoshin Elle

Add to wax for wax-resist dyeing.
Makes it less likely to crack.


Carnauba wax(100g)
Carnauba wax(100g)


(approx US$3.4)

Kyoshin Elle

Hard texture wax. It makes easy to create rectilinear crackles by combining with other wax.
