
Scissors, Cutters : Items

Premium NT Cutter 1A
Premium NT Cutter 1A


(approx US$5.42)

Equipped with a sharp blade that has a very acute bevel.


NT Cutter Replcement Blade (Small A Super Acute Black) 10 pcs
NT Cutter Replcement Blade (Small A Super Acute Black) 10 pcs


(approx US$2.58)

Replacement blades for Premium NT Cutter 1A.


Premium NT Cutter 2A
Premium NT Cutter 2A


(approx US$5.63)

Equipped with a 30 ° black blade that is ideal for precision work.


NT Cutter Replcement Blade (Small A 30° Black) 10 pcs
NT Cutter Replcement Blade (Small A 30° Black) 10 pcs


(approx US$2.72)

Replacement blades for Premium NT Cutter 2A.


NT Cutter Premium Replacement Blade (10 pcs)
NT Cutter Premium Replacement Blade (10 pcs)


(approx US$2.51)

Replacement blades for NT Cutter Premium.


NT Cutter Premium Black (Super Sharp Blade)
NT Cutter Premium Black (Super Sharp Blade)


(approx US$7.48)

NTcutter with thick blade.


NT Cutter Replacement Blade (Super Sharp) (10 pcs)
NT Cutter Replacement Blade (Super Sharp) (10 pcs)


(approx US$3.89)

Replaceable blade for NT Cutter Premium Black (Super Sharp Blade).


OLFA Safety Rotary Cutter
OLFA Safety Rotary Cutter


(approx US$11.67)

Rotary cutter with soft grip handle & safety lock system


OLFA Rotary Cutter Replacement Blade - Wave
OLFA Rotary Cutter Replacement Blade - Wave


(approx US$3.29)

Replacement blade 1/pk


Craft Scissors
Craft Scissors


(approx US$6.69)

Scissors using stainless steel cutlery


Super Hard Scissors (Step Blades)
Super Hard Scissors (Step Blades)


(approx US$10.77)

Uneven parallel blades can cut hard thick material smoothly.


Universal Sharpener
Universal Sharpener

(approx US$8.38)

Easy to use and blades become very sharp.


Cutting Mat 450×300mm
Cutting Mat 450×300mm


(approx US$12.03)


Thread Cutter Scissors
Thread Cutter Scissors

(approx US$5.68)

Compact thread cutter with durable sharp cutting edge.


GLANZ Extreme Cutter - Replacement Blades
GLANZ Extreme Cutter - Replacement Blades


(approx US$2.52)

Replacement Blades 10 pcs for GLANZ Extreme Cutter.


Carving Knife
Carving Knife

(approx US$2.55)

It is suitable for delicate workmanship such as filigree and figurine carving since it has a 30 degree acute angle blade.


Carving Knife Replacement Blade
Carving Knife Replacement Blade


(approx US$1.59)

A set of replacement blades for #C8700 Carving Knife.
30 pcs


GLANZ Extreme Cutter
GLANZ Extreme Cutter

(approx US$11.34)

Precision cutter with a blade angle of 30 degrees.
Designed for accurate cutting as the blade is firmly fixed on the body and it is less likely to wave.


NT Cutter Replacement Blades (6 pcs)
NT Cutter Replacement Blades (6 pcs)

Bargain Prices!


(approx US$0.93)

Replacement Blades for #52098 NT Cutter.


NT Design Cutter (D-400)
NT Design Cutter (D-400)

Bargain Prices!

(approx US$2.03)


OLFA Rotary Cutter Replacement Blade - Straight
OLFA Rotary Cutter Replacement Blade - Straight

Bargain Prices!


(approx US$1.58)

Replacement blade 1/pk


Circle Cutter (Gauge included)
Circle Cutter (Gauge included)

Bargain Prices!


(approx US$7.59)

Circle compass cutter for leather


Replacement Blades 30 Degrees (40 pcs)
Replacement Blades 30 Degrees (40 pcs)

Bargain Prices!


(approx US$1.01)

Replacement blades for NT Design Cutter and Circle Cutter.


Super Leather Scissors
Super Leather Scissors

Bargain Prices!


(approx US$4.41)


NT Cutter
NT Cutter

Bargain Prices!


(approx US$2.03)

One hand operable safety cutter.


Leather Scissors LC-180
Leather Scissors LC-180

Bargain Prices!

(approx US$8.57)

These are leather cutting scissors that make "pulling and cutting" possible by combining curved upper and lower blades with different lengths.


Leather Scissors (M)
Leather Scissors (M)

Bargain Prices!

(approx US$7.06)

Leather cutting scissors with special sharp blade.


Leather Scissors (S)
Leather Scissors (S)

Bargain Prices!

(approx US$7.56)

Leather cutting scissors with special sharp blade.


Knife Guide Ruler 300 mm
Knife Guide Ruler 300 mm

(approx US$11.34)

300 mm ruler
Width: 40 mm


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