Leather Keychain Kit < Gothic Pattern >

This is a medieval European-inspired, gothic-design engraved leather Keychain Kit.

Leather Keychain Kit <Gothic Pattern> : Items

KEYCHAIN KIT - Diamond Shape(S) <Gothic Pattern GCS01> LC Tooling Leather Standard
KEYCHAIN KIT - Diamond Shape(S) <Gothic Pattern GCS01> LC Tooling Leather Standard

¥638 - 2,552
(approx US$4.21 - 16.84)


1 set / 5 sets
Keychain Kit engraved gothic-cross-design inspired with a medieval European..


KEYCHAIN KIT - Diamond Shape(S) <Gothic Pattern GCS01> LC Premium Dyed Leather Struck Through
KEYCHAIN KIT - Diamond Shape(S) <Gothic Pattern GCS01> LC Premium Dyed Leather Struck Through

¥729 - 2,917
(approx US$4.81 - 19.25)



1 set / 5 sets
Keychain Kit engraved gothic-cross-design inspired with a medieval European.


KEYCHAIN KIT - Diamond Shape(S) <Gothic Pattern GLY01> LC Tooling Leather Standard
KEYCHAIN KIT - Diamond Shape(S) <Gothic Pattern GLY01> LC Tooling Leather Standard

¥638 - 2,552
(approx US$4.21 - 16.84)



1 set / 5 sets
Keychain Kit with gothic-lily-design engraved.


KEYCHAIN KIT - Diamond Shape(S) <Gothic Pattern GLY01> LC Premium Dyed Leather Struck Through
KEYCHAIN KIT - Diamond Shape(S) <Gothic Pattern GLY01> LC Premium Dyed Leather Struck Through

¥729 - 2,917
(approx US$4.81 - 19.25)



1 set / 5 sets
Keychain Kit with gothic-lily-design engraved.


KEYCHAIN KIT - Diamond Shape(S) <Gothic Pattern GF01>LC Tooling Leather Standard
KEYCHAIN KIT - Diamond Shape(S) <Gothic Pattern GF01>LC Tooling Leather Standard

¥638 - 2,552
(approx US$4.21 - 16.84)


1 set / 5 sets
This is a medieval European-inspired, gothic-design engraved leather Keychain Kit.


KEYCHAIN KIT - Diamond Shape(S) <Gothic Pattern GF01>LC Premium Dyed Leather Struck Through
KEYCHAIN KIT - Diamond Shape(S) <Gothic Pattern GF01>LC Premium Dyed Leather Struck Through

¥729 - 2,917
(approx US$4.81 - 19.25)


1 set / 5 sets
This is a medieval European-inspired, gothic-design engraved leather Keychain Kit.


Related items for Leather Keychain Kit <Gothic Pattern>